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Roshni Verma

Software Developer


Talha Shahid

Project Manager


Alvionna Sunaryo

Web Designer


Samar Majid

Technical Head

Our Work

Coronavirus has made higher education even more complicated in the U.S.A. Some states are open and some are closed. But what about the universities? We know it's a head scratcher and that’s why we’re here to help you understand the status of universities in the U.S. Look through our interactive website to get all the information you need for the way you’ll be taught this fall and the next spring in different universities of different states.



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Detailed information about the universities teaching pattern during the COVID-19 with proper safety.



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University Information

Find your university name !!

  • Connecticut

  • University: University of Connecticut
  • Status: Hybrid / Online
  • University of Connecticut adjust their curriculum to a hybrid system. They are offering classes which will shift between in-person, online and hybrid depending upon the best needs of students.
  • Delaware

  • University: University of Delaware
  • Status: Online
  • University of Delaware will continue teaching in an online format until the situation permits to deliver in-person classes.Limited number of courses that require in-person instruction will be offered in hybrid format.
  • Florida

  • University: University of Florida
  • Status: Hybrid
  • University of Florida offers a hybrid setting where students who are abroad could do their study remotely, while students who stays on campus will have the opportunity to attend small class to maintain physical distancing.
  • Georgia

  • University: University of Georgia
  • Status: Hybrid / In-person
  • University of Georgia provide a comprehensive curriculum with hybrid format. To take prevantive measure, classes would have alternating students who come into the class and take the class online on each day.
  • Hawaii

  • University: University of Hawaii at Manoa
  • Status: Hybrid
  • University of Hawai at Manoa proceed to teach by offering three types of classes: online, in-person, and hybrid.Classes with over 50 students will be taught online or hybrid to maintain social distancing.
  • Idaho

  • University: University of Idaho
  • Status: In-person
  • University of Idaho plans to hold in-person classes with safety precautions by splitting class into sections to decrease capacity and requiring faculty and students to wear masks so to have proper social distancing.

  • Illinois

  • University: University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Status: Hybrid
  • Classes at the University of Illinois at Chicago will be a mixture of in-person and remote instruction to provide the physical distancing.All the faculty have to follow all the safety measures.
  • Indiana

  • University: Indiana University Bloomington
  • Status: Hybrid
  • Indiana University Bloomington plans to offer both in-person and online classes.Pre-arrival with covid-19 testing to prevent the spreading of virus. Classes offered in both in-person and online
  • Iowa

  • University: University of lowa
  • Status: Hybrid
  • University of lowa shall offer both in-person and online classes depending upon the best needs of the students. All classes shall be moved online after Thanksgiving with few exceptions..
  • Kansas

  • University: University of Kansas
  • Status: Hybrid
  • University of Kansas is offering a courses best suited to the needs of its students. One-third of classes will be HyFlex courses with blended in-person and online instruction, one-third will be fully on-campus, and others online .
  • Kentucky

  • University: University of Kentucy
  • Status: Hybrid
  • University of Kentucy will have to quarantine and undergo pre-arrival covid-19 testing. Classes will be offered in both in-person and online. Online only after thanksgiving. Classes offered in both in-person and online
  • Arkansas

  • University: University of Arkansas
  • Status: Hybrid
  • University of Arkansas will follow blended approach with expanded schedules for in-person classes to allow for smaller class size and social distancing, as well as a shift of some classes to online format or a combination of the two.
  • Alaska

  • University: University of Alaska Anchorage
  • Status: Hybrid
  • The fall 2020 semester will occur primarily via alternate course delivery, remote work and controlled access to campus facilities.
  • Massachusetts

  • University: Mount Holyoke College
  • Status: Online
  • Mount Holyoke College has decided that due to a greater risk of coronavirus transmission, classes will remain online.
  • Lousiana

  • University: Southeastern Lousiana University
  • Status: Hybrid
  • At the Southern Lousiana University classes will reflect flexible formats that include online and face-to-face components.

  • Arizona

  • University: University of Arizona
  • Status: Hybrid
  • At the University of Arizona, fall semester began August 24 with a mix of in-person and online classes.
  • Maine

  • University: University of Maine
  • Status: Hybrid
  • University of Maine shall offer classes in four modes: hybrid, remote, in-person, online.
  • Minnesota

  • University: University of Minnesota Twin Cities
  • Status: Hybrid / In-person
  • University of Minnesota is offering classes mostly in-person with the option of robust remote learning for its students.

  • Michigan

  • University:University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
  • Status: Hybrid
  • University of Michigan offered classes in-person, remote, and mixed instruction depending on curricular needs. Large classes will be held remotely, small classes will be held in person, and medium-size classes will be a hybrid of the two.
  • Maryland

  • University: University of Maryland, College Park
  • Status: Hybrid
  • The University of Maryland began the semester as scheduled on August 31 but will delay undergraduate in-person instruction until September 14. All graduate-level instruction and approved research activities will proceed as planned.
  • Mississippi

  • University: University of Mississippi
  • Status: In-person
  • At University of Mississippi, classes and final exams will conclude Tuesday Nov. 24; which falls on the week of Thanksgiving. Further changes can take place according to the on-going situation of the covid around the university area.
  • Missouri

  • University: University of Missouri
  • Status: Hybrid
  • University of Missouri will be functioning in three ways: "full return", "limited return", "remote return". Classes are offered in remote, blended, and face-to-face settings.
  • Montana

  • University: University of Montana
  • Status: In-person
  • University of Montana is offering in-person classes. However, the last day of the semester and the conclusion of finals week will be Nov. 25
  • Nebraska

  • University: University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • Status: Hybrid
  • Classes at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln started remotely on Aug. 17 and in-person on Aug. 24. The semester ends at November 25.

  • Nevada

  • University: University of Nevada, Reno
  • Status: Hybrid
  • University of Nevada, Reno is offereing three new instruction modes: "alternative remote", "alternative HyFlex", and "alternative in-person.
  • New Hampshire

  • University: University of New Hampshire
  • Status: Hybrid / In-person
  • Classes at the University of New Hampshire will have low-density with strict adherence to standard operating precedures as required by the State..
  • New Jersey

  • University: Rutgers University-New Brunswick
  • Status: Online / Hybrid
  • Most classes at Rutgers University-New Brunswick will be online. Graduate classes shall be hybrid with proper precautions.
  • New Mexico

  • University: University of New Mexico
  • Status: Hybrid
  • University of New Mexico is offering a combination of in-person and online classes.
  • New York

  • University: New York University
  • Status: Hybrid
  • Classes at New York University will be held in one of three modes: in-person, blended, and remote.
  • North Carolina

  • University: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Status: Hybrid
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill offers classes that shift between in-person, blended, and remote learning.

  • North Dakota

  • University: University of North Dakota
  • Status: Hybrid
  • University of North Dakota offers a mix of in-person and online instruction.
  • Ohio

  • University: Ohio University
  • Status: Hybrid
  • Ohio University is undertaking a phased out returning to in-person instructions as the situation improves.
  • Oklahoma

  • University: Oklahoma State University
  • Status: In-person
  • Oklahoma State University will be gradually reopen in-person classes in the form of phases.
  • Oregon

  • University: University of Oregon
  • Status: Hybrid
  • University of Oregon is offering courses with limited class strength. In-person classes end on Thanksgiving..
  • Pennsylvania

  • University: University of Pennsylvania
  • Status: Online
  • At University of Pennsylvania, most classes will be online with few exceptions for in-person instruction.
  • Rhode Island

  • University: University of Rhode Island
  • Status: Online
  • University of Rhode Island will be offering their classes online as it is a great risk to open the school.

  • South Carolina

  • University: University of South Carolina
  • Status: In-person / Hybrid
  • Classes will resume according to CDC recomendations. Subject to change according to evolving circumstances.
  • Utah

  • University: University of Utah
  • Status: Hybrid
  • University of Utah will undertake a Combination of in-person and online classes.
  • South Dakota

  • University: University of South Dakota
  • Status: Online
  • Fall semester at the University of South Dakota will run remotely.

  • Texas

  • University: University of Texas at Austin
  • Status: In-person / Hybrid
  • University of Texas offered in-person classes as minimum as possible. Online classes will be offered to accomodate students' need.
  • Tennessee

  • University: University of Tennessee
  • Status: Hybrid / Online
  • University of Tennessee will phase back to normal as situation improves. Combination of in-person and online classes to be held.
  • Vermont

  • University: University of Vermont
  • Status: In-person / Online
  • University of Vermont will allow its students to take either online or in-person classes annd have to adhere to strict standard operating procedures.

  • Virginia

  • University: University of Virginia
  • Status: Hybrid
  • University of Virginia is offering a hybrid style of teaching. Large classes will be online. In-person classes will conclude after Thanksgiving.
  • Washington

  • University: Washington State University
  • Status: Online
  • Washington State University is delivering their courses mostly online with few exceptions for in-person instruction, which have to adhere to the precautions.
  • West Virginia

  • University: West Virginia University
  • Status: Hybrid / Online
  • West Virginia University is offering a combination of in-person and online classes. In-person classes is concluding on November 24.

  • Wisconsin

  • University: University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Status: Hybrid
  • Certain courses at the University of Wisconsin-Madison will have limited in-person delivery until Thanksgiving and can be changed further.
  • Wyoming

  • University: University of Wyoming
  • Status: Hybrid
  • University of Wyoming is offering a hybrid system with a mixture of online and in-person. Students have the opportunity to study in-person.


Here how you can make your COVID crisis into productive days!!

    Home studying

    Studying from home can deplete your energy and make you lazy. To prevent that from happening, here are some tips from our team:

    1. Carve out (and clean out) your study space
    2. Set realistic goals
    3. Schedule your daily activities (breaks included)
    4. Tune out distractions
    5. Focus
    6. Reward yourself
    7. Keep reading

    Taking a break

    Give yourself a me-time and take a break between your work because nothing will be gain by overworking yourself. Re-orient yourself by indulging into some fun activties.

    1. Listen to music
    2. Do meditation and yoga
    3. Dance to your heart content
    4. Draw and paint
    5. Learn new cooking skills
    6. Spend time with family
    7. Care for your body
    8. Learn a new language

    Maintain Health

    During this uncertain time, it is important to stay healthy to stop the spread! Some useful tips from our team:

    1. Wear a mask
    2. Wash your hands often
    3. Cover your nose and mouth while sneezing
    4. Maintain 6 feet distance
    5. Always take a shower after going out
    6. Clean your doorknobs and easily touched things

    Love youself

    Nothing is more important than self-love. No matter who you are, what you are currently doing, whether you have a job/internship or not, always know that you are a precious human being.

    1. Appreciate small things
    2. Cherish yourself
    3. Do things that make you happy
    4. Never let anyone says bad things about you
    5. Be confident


News and updates of universities!!


Tracking Coronavirus Cases at U.S. Colleges and Universities

Many colleges have reported major spikes in recent weeks as dorms have reopened and classes have started.

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill sent most undergraduates home after clusters popped up in campus housing. Notre Dame delayed in-person classes as students tested positive by the dozens, then the hundreds. And at Iowa State, aggressive testing of students moving into dorms turned up scores of cases.


Big City Schools Are Less Likely to Reopen

Students in most of America's rural school districts will be returning to school buildings when classes resume. Students in big cities will mostly start the new school year by logging into a virtual classroom. And we find significant overlap between the districts with the highest poverty levels and the districts most likely to reopen with fully remote learning."



Chaos reigns in some schools with in-person learning.

in-person school reopenings have been pushed by President Donald Trump, Republican politicians and many parents.

In the early days of August, the Columbia County School District outside Augusta, Georgia, was determined to open its schools. Despite a regional surge of COVID-19 cases early that month, the system of 28,000 students was among the first districts in America to put people back in classrooms.


Despite surge in COVID cases, 83% US universities plan to hold physical, offline classes

Earlier this month, International students in the USA found themselves in a fix when the Trump administration issued a new policy. With the onset of the pandemic, these students who hold F1 and M1 visas would have had to leave the country or transfer to another school if their school's fall semester was held completely online.



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